A Short Trip
If you close your eyes and take a short trip with me
We reach my favorite fishing hole
If you close your eyes and take a short trip with me
We take a deep breath just enough to smell the two stroke smoke in the air
If you close your eyes and take a short trip with me
We feel the warmth of the sun on our face
If you close your eyes and take a short trip with me
We float into the cove and see the water hit the bank and ripple back to our boat
If you close your eyes and take a short trip with me
We cast your line and lose sight of it by the reflection of the sun
If you close your eyes and take a short trip with me
We stretch out our arms and back from a good night’s sleep
If you close your eyes and take a short trip with me
We feel a twitch of our poles
I open my eyes and see your line caught up in mine
Take the time to take him fish ’n
If you close your eyes again it will have been a short trip with him
27 Apr 18